For selection, development & retention
As a result of 60 years of research and meta-analyses, a high correlation has been identified between professional interest and performance in the workplace. Which is why we’ve developed a set of high-validity statements that can gauge a candidate’s interest in six main dimensions (realistic, investigative, artistic, social, conventional and enterprising). These will help identify the level and combination of performance predicting interests for each job.
Assessment Dimensions:
Enterprising | Investigative | Artistic | Social | Realistic | Conventional
GR8 Interests is recommended for:
- Identifying the performance potential
- Identifying ocuppational interests
- Selection and Job Match
- Retention and engagement
- Identifying development and coaching needs
- Driving performance
- Increasing Wellbeing @Work
- Organisational Health
Available in the following languages:
Danish, English (UK, USA, Canada), French (France), Hungarian, Romanian, Spanish (Spain), Vietnamese
We have an impressive assessment library with hundreds of dimensions that can be leveraged in creating a custom skills-based assessment that supports your organisation’s specific competencies and unique vision. Please contact us for the full catalog of dimensions.