For the selection process and predicting job performance
The GR8 Cognitive Plus assessment examines the same skills as the GR8 Cognitive assessment, including the ability to reason and the adeptness at working with numbers and words. Whereas GR8 Cognitive mostly focuses on entry-level employees, the Cognitive Plus instrument contains exercises aimed at identifying people with a high managerial potential or those who possess effective leadership skills.
Assessment Dimensions:
Reasoning Plus | Working with numbers Plus | Working with words Plus
GR8 Cognitive Plus is recommended for:
- Candidate selection and job match
- Employee retention
- Predicting job performance and learning
Available in the following languages:
Danish, English (UK, USA, Canada), French (France), Hungarian, Romanian, Spanish (Spain), Vietnamese
We have an impressive assessment library with hundreds of dimensions that can be leveraged in creating a custom skills-based assessment that supports your organisation’s specific competencies and unique vision. Please contact us for the full catalog of dimensions.