Outplacement Assessment & Coaching from Great People Inside
If redundancies look inevitable, give loyal employees a soft landing and maintain your employer brand…
Redundancy has been a fact of business life for decades. When financial crises, individual company issues or business restructuring create the need to preserve organisations, individual employees often bear the brunt of circumstances outside their control.
Never was this more true than during the current Coronavirus crisis.
Government financial measures, like the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS), have, so far, limited the impact of the virus on employment. But, many businesses, when support from these schemes tapers and they have to fund the difference themselves, will have no option but to reduce their workforce through redundancy.
Few organisations will hit 100% of their former activity quickly. The length of the ‘ramp up’, to anything approaching 100%, will determine how they respond, with workforce reductions one of the few options available to restore profitability.

However, the nature of the crisis – and the time that the CJRS has afforded them – means that they have more time to plan for how they react when the inevitable happens.
Organisations have spent huge amounts of money developing their employer brand and yet, how they respond to the current situation could enhance or severely damage that brand at a stroke.
Historically, the only possible responses to redundancies have been:
- Do nothing
- Offer traditional Outplacement for departing employees
At this unprecedented time, many want to do SOMETHING – but simply don’t have the finances to afford hugely expensive Outplacement Services. So, is there a middle ground?
Great People Inside has developed a valid and reliable psychometric Outplacement Assessment – available at a fraction of the cost of traditional Outplacement services – offering extensive career guidance for those employees who want to convert their misfortune into a life-changing career switch.

The Outplacement Assessment measures 14 different Dimensions and compares the results with the 500 most-searched career options in a top-rated European Careers database.
The Assessment measures:
- 5 x Personality Traits – Elements that make a person unique – influencing values and interests, the perception of the outside world, the approach to learning and continuous development.
- 3 x Cognitive Traits – the capacity to perform the mental processes of reasoning, remembering, understanding and problem solving.
- 6 x Occupational Interests- identifying factors that motivate, and appeal to, an individual.
When combined, these generate 2 reports from each candidate’s results:
- Personality Report – listing the careers to which an individual’s personality is best suited
- Interests Report – listing the careers that best suit the individual’s personal preferences
These reports give a ranked list of careers that each individual can consider and informs the respondent about the level of training and education required for each role, should they wish to pursue them.
When combined with a 1-2-1 coaching consultation with a GPI Accredited consultant, the Great People Inside Outplacement Assessment provides exceptional career guidance for a fraction of the cost of traditional Outsourcing services.
If your organisation finds itself needing to make loyal staff redundant, and want to give them the softest possible landing without breaking the bank, contact Great People Inside at [email protected] or call us on 01494 573572.